Niko Bellic of Grand Theft Auto IV
[click to enlarge]

Here is an image I did for Official Playstation Magazine UK which is in their latest issue. I had a hard time getting it to look exactly like the game model because I started out with an illustration that I realized later was a bit different than the game. So after the fact, I started messing with it to try to get him closer to the game model.
This image involved a lot more illustration on my part than the other ones too since I was changing the lighting compared to my source image.
Anyway, enjoy!
* UPDATE * ugh,.... you'd think after all this time I would have spelled Niko right. thanks Brian.
Thats very rad
Sweet. By the way, your posts don't show up correctly in your RSS feed.
Love your art, but the hand is a little bit too small in my opinion - or is this due to the original hand?
@patte: maybe you should try to click on the image ;-)
fantastic job!
Love it! :)
(btw, its Niko, not Nico)
Nice job !
(looks like him:
@2nd comment:
For me the RSS works perfectly. And this is you'd think it would, no?
Nice work btw...although for some reason, the fact that its a lifelike character makes it seem slightly less "real" than the others - there's just something about the the lighting that doesnt look quite right...
Amazing!!!! You're very talented man. Congrats!!!!
The lighting seems off for some strange reason, but it still looks excellent great work as always...
By the way, i'm posting a link to your blogspot on neoseeker... That will give you more hits!!!!
The lips & chin are off-center. Move them to the left, please.
Wow, amazing. I love the detail.
the hand is too small
id really like to see some dragonball Z untoons, if thats even possible, but great job man, everything is awesome
what?! only five fingers? there's a sixth one hiding in there somewhere right? :) jk, awesome job on the pic bro.
awesome job man!
Though I think this is the most unrealistic one you've done. Probably because it was to realistic to begin with =p nah it look sweet, but really, i agree something is a lil off, not sure what =) Keep it up man i love your work!
I think this is one of your best work!
Just 2 criticisms:
1- he's a bit cross eyed - don't know if it's intentional
2- his frown mark is not accentuated enough, you know, the 2 vertical lines that appear between your eyebrows.
Other than that this really is incredible - the hair, the beard, the skin the lighting, the changes in focus - absolutely stunning!
Christ, everyone's a critic.
Good work fella.
You're very talented.
This is amazing, I'm not sure what kind of person gets on here and just points out the negatives. Jealous ones, I bet, who don't have anything published in any magazines.
Very nice!
I know this man! He lives in Bournemouth, UK and is an Albanian. Nice chap too
This is amazing, can you do solid snake--oh what a picture that would be
can u change the age limit of Yoda from starwars can u make him younger
it looks like officer bellic of prison break :P just an anotation..
i agree with CHeeky Chap. This is immense. A solid snake one would be orgasmic ;)
I would also like to place a vote for solid snake.
In order to help this fantastic image get some publicity even more I have mentioned it on my deviant art account |||
It would be cool to see Iron Maiden's mascot, Eddie.
Great work!
I love your work, man !
It could be awesome with South Park characters, don't you think ?!?
Agreed, Solid Snake definitely needs some real-life recognition.
However, if you're into Nintendo, I think Link would be an awesome addition as well.
Idk, the un-tooned doesn't work very well for me. It's a nice bit of artwork, I suppose, but that's just kind of what he looks like in the game..
Boa , mas a do mataleone tá melhor!
Is so sexy!!! (LL)
I love he! ^^
This is awesome, even if it is right in the middle of the uncanny valley...
Dude, seriously, amazing work. Don't listen to all these people saying what they don't like about it - everyone has an opinion and most of the time their opinions suck. You're very talented so keep it up!
Aaaaand Solid Snake WOULD be pretty sweet, but I'd LOVE to see Sonic or Mega Man.
Man all this is grate...please oh please please do gona check your blog daily ...bravo
Very cool.
Man, that is awesome. I play the game daily and that puts a real face to him. I always knew Niko was a bad ass but this look just confirms it.
Jean...Mataleone fez um muito bom, mas não acho melhor que esse. Também nào acho esse abusurdamente bom. Mas a luz e os volumes e proporções estão melhores do que o do Matelaone. Eu acabei de postar no Blog do Nataleone todos os detalhes do porquê o dele está excelente, mas acho esse melhor no geral. Não estou falando por falar, mas especifiquei o que poderia melhorar, se ele liberar o post lá, vc irá concordar comigo. :)
Sorry to put these Words in english.
It's just because i am talking to JEAN, who posted a NIKO BELLIC manipulation (untooned version), too, on its site.
As i said to Mataleone (The guy who made the other version), Pixeloo version looks more "real" and not too photoshoped. But Mataleone Version is pretty good tool, but has some cofusion on light direction, some strange volumes on the face, and strange giant wrinkles on the fronthead. But i like that his version is very tied to a raw reality/photos and very tied to the character itself. Your, is like a little modified and more photoreal character...
nice but mataleone is faster than you!
DO BROLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice work! I've got it posted on my blog to generate publicity for it, my blog is a GTA news blog.
By the way, to let GTA fans know, I'm giving out GTA IV posters. To enter into the contest, just go over to my blog and post a comment in my latest GTA IV update. When there are enough people entered into the contest, I will anounce the results!
Once again though, nice work! Although Niko looks a little wierd, I think the lines near the cheeks are too dark.
Dude, that's amaaaaazing. You're insane. I could never do that.
Это круто
Nice work with Niko! Now all we need is the real Solid/Old Snake. 8P
He looks like Eli Manning..... not bad though :)
Awesome job!
Hola yo tambien creo PAPIELS te dejo mi blog para que les eches un vistazo
muy realista
Hello, I would like know how are you make to write Niko with the same writing to GTA?
I'm a French graphist, and I like GTA IV. So i want write to the same writing.
Thank you for your help
I'm a girl so I have no idea what's going on here.
perfect...... we would like to see Metal Gear Solid virson.
omg yur such a great artist
i bet u could so sonic da hedgehog VERY EASILY
I Think its Awesome!Striking too.Have you thought about doing some renders of The actual Transformers Generation one characters as we didnt get them in the movie. I would love to see a Starscream or an Optimus Prime.Nice work mate keep at it.
Like seriously.
Can't say it enough.
This is a really fantastic rendition of Niko. You've got the details down right down to the pores in his face, something most artists (myself included) would never have the patience to do! My only major gripe is that the proportions are off in his hand. His whole hand should be just a little bit bigger and his middle finger is a bit short in comparison to his index finger, even if the fingers are bent. (I apologize if you noticed that already, I blame my anatomy studies for making me so anal about that sort of thing!) Other than that though, I love it!
great work!
Here in Brazil, a Guy does a pic more cool... If you look for on Google, maybe you find. The image is more perfect e his hand is in a correct place!
But, his image isn't so bad. Congrats.
Brazilian is better:
wow all you guys do is complain complain about little details.. how about all you guys try and do this
Great work!
Bro. Your latest untoonings have been so horrible. They pale in comparison to homer or mario. Doesn't look nearly as horrifically real. They still look like cartoons even after you untoon them.
Awesome, awesome awesome! What a great job!
There is so much awesomeness in you, it's baffling. Fantastic job, once again.
wow man tht looks soo good
he looks like a real serb!
and im srb aswell
u r soo good at making things look realistic
fantastic work!
oh man! that are a really great.
good work.
look this
dungeon master real by mataleone
to the girl who posted earlier, wtf ar you doin here anyway? btw. your work is awesome man.i also agree w/ the solid snake proposition. keep it up!!!!
Amazing work man, Brilliant
Amazing work!
Wow, this is an amazing work I can't stop starring at it! It will be cool if you make Marcus Fenix from GoW :D
That is kind of creepy after playing that game a lot. cause you made him look like a real dude.
- T
Now you've gotta do one of Little Jacob. Please make the one with sunglasses. I've seen him without and it's terrifing.
Awesome job :) Can't wait for the next one. Maybe Dr. Zoidberg from Futurama?
Man if you do a photorealistic super sayajin from Dragon Ball, you will be my god!!!
Make a real Sonic!!!
*-* ²³²²³²
It looks really good. In the game Niko looks very ugly. But in your picture he's beautfiul but still looks like the game-version.
Great work!
that is kid of creepy but not as bad as Mario, it sends shivers down my spine
I still think you should do "real" versions of the celshaded San andreas splash screens.
whats up with his fingers?
I am amazed by your work.
nezi nikolova
i guess this will be your most famous work.
congrats on the great job.
Thank you very much for it!
Was one of your references Jason Statham?
Dude you are one talented mother F-er. I would love to see you do Esmeralda from the hunchback of Notre Dame. 2nd hottest Disney character next to Jessica Rabbit.
great work!
That's quite scary....
But not as creepy as real Mario.
I think he's living under my bed.....
wonderful !!!
Does anyone love the zipper on the jacket? I do! Dang that is awesome detail!
Hey you wanna see the real Nico Bellic..he have also the clothes in the movie..try the bad sniper guy in the first Behind enemy's freak how is simlar..and he is from East!
I'm bad at english,but i'll try...
How you making skin on all characters???Manually?Or you took the texture?
Nice word man dude! keep it up!
Well, at least it looks a lot less creepy than, say Homer or Stewie. Niko is already meant to have human proportions so this just looks like an actor in his actual role.
EPIC skills man i had to have a look at these masterpieces after seeing them in a ps3 mag, please do a solid snake one as that would be awesome
excellent work !
keep going this way.
we want others characters :)
can you please do a metal gear solid solid snake please
Like Grand Thefts of the past, the game play centres on violent crime, taking the role of Nico Bellic, recently emigrated from Eastern Europe where he fought as a teenager in the Bosnian War.
Impressive work, I really like this one.
Boo I thought this was Gordan Freeman for a second!
Freaking awesome, you have a cool untooning technique i wish i can make something like this
This drawing is amazing!Keep up the good work!You should try to make one of Gordon Freeman (Half-Life 2)or of Link
when you look at it on far.. the pic is like real pic...
A M A Z I N G .
I really really love your art.
I am taking this image for a post on my blog for a post "Celebrity look alike Niko Bellic" -…ke-niko-bellic/
You should totally try Final Fantasy characters. Their CG work has gotten very realistic lately, but obviously not half as much as the work you do. FFXII anyone?
This is amazing stuff for me. Keep up the great work!
He has a bigger nose in the game.
Really good ! I love GTA but I prefer Johnny Klebitz, do you know him ? It could be nice to do him, like you did with Niko Bellic^^
Whoa! In a live action his character could be played by jason stathan easily... Impressive Work...
Really good...nice one..I love the post..thanks for posting..
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