[click to enlarge]

I had done this last week and wasn't sure if I should post it or not but I guess thats the point of this blog so here it is. I couldn't decide on a title because anything I thought of was adding a lot more meaning to the image and it wasn't speaking for itself. So here it is unfiltered.
Its cool - great line art, your truly an inspiration for all us wannabe web-artists :)
Not really sure about the title "untitled" - the image more or less tells a story - so a quick summary wouldn't be "adding" or "subtracting" from the image IMO.
I like the ambiguity of this image. When I first looked at it, I thought that he had just ripped the spear from his own chest and was continuing the fight. Then I wondered if it was a bullet that had hit him.
It's very powerful. Coolness.
Coolies! Don't hesitate posting stuff like this one! =D
Great work, though I think you should add a proper title. Allowing people to add their own thoughts to the image is fair enough but a title will only enhance a story behind the image
Stylish. You are great even in your minimalist artwork.
this is a very good illustration.
you are amazing not just untooning characters.
I like this. From my perspective it shows not only the thirst for conquest of the europeans through raping, pillaging and flat out killing the locals, but the birth of a new era (modern weapons). these themes are pushed in a lot of samurai anime.
i really like this - very frank miller-esque
well done!
Contratulations. Your work is very, very, very fantastic!!! Please, if is possible, do more family guy's characters, they're amazing! Thanks, sorry about the English, I'm a brasilian girl.
So I take it you're a Frank Miller fan?
greatness again....wallpaper
hey these pictures are great but I have a challenge for you, Starvin Marvin from South Park.
From Spain: Great work. First time I looked at the image I though to make a shirt with it. I really like it. If I had your hands....
great composition and wonderful use of vectors, very good work. This graphics could be very useful for some political/green poster (with the right caption)..
Why not simply call it "Unfiltered"
Hello, i love to see this guy:
( Peter Parker )in a "real" version.
This is SPAAARTAAAAA!!!!!!
guess you shouldn't bring a spear to a gun fight...
Thi title?....."PAIN"
I like leaving it up to interpretation. the starkness of the image makes the red deliver more of an impact. Like everything else I've seen from your blog, it is fantastic. Thank you for sharing.
You're a very gifted visual artist, that's for sure. Also enjoyed Niko Belic.
300 meet sin city ...
excellent work
Looks kinda like the Vulcan statue in Birmingham, Alabama. Here's the statue's park website: http://www.visitvulcan.com/
hey we may need someone for the cover of an punkrock-cd later this year, i keep you in mind!
you might want to remove the blogger navbar (it's ok with blogger). drop me a line at vurdlak at gmail.com I can send you the code to insert in your template. also you can easily integrate sitemeter or google analyitics to your blog to know traffic, also I can connect you with intelli so you can have additional revenue to your site (those double underlined words in text, whn clicked bring 40 cents or similar...
I can give you few more advices how to make your photos wider so they flow with text. for example my images are 500 in width. and flow with text.
check moillusions.com I can give you few more advices since I like your blog, and you remind me of me when I started...
Nice blog!!
hey dude!
it reminds me of this world famous pic named UNKNOWN SOLDIER!
Very cool! You're quite talented!
Cool, as a suggestion, it'd be great to see an "untooned" Wario.
Very very good, as all your creations are. In fact, I'd like to know if you could do the same with a manga character, but not a simple one, something I find more difficult because more detailed, like Berserk for example.
Great image! did you use a source image or did you start from scratch?
I'm asking because this would make a nice Wallart.
IT looks like a character from crackdown
Santana,The Beatles are better than Coldplay.
Nice Pics man on this blog.!!
Please upload it on
U will get good hits from there~
The Beatles,Santana are better than any asian band which has sold albums in the last fifty years.
It reminds me of that upcoming Wii game "Madworld" (see http://wii.ign.com/dor/objects/14253678/madworld/images/madworld-pics-20080519111054869.html for some screenshots).
thats wonderful!
hi, my web is http://todoomusik.blogspot.com/ and i want to be affiliate to ur web, what do u think? thanks for reading this
Really awesome! I love the movement and the lines. Wow. I say, don't ever hesitate to post non-untooning art here. I like it all.
Though I have been thinking that it would be crazy to untoon an anime character. Lately whenever I see those huge eyes and non-existent noses I think just how silly and horrible those girls would look in real life.
LEON-O of thundercats...
you are a Artman...
Hey, love your stuff! You think I could talk about you on my blog? Take care!
hence my use of cap logs to express my love for it :p
Great post
Very nice done.
By the way if u want magazines and PhotoSshop ebooks check photoprodirect.blogspot.com It has some stuff that some may found usefull
Hey Pixeloo, I would just like to say that I love your art style whether it be in your untooning or your other pieces. I just want to let you know that I have bookmarked your page since you put up Homer and check back daily to see if anything new is up.
Please don't disappoint your fans! Throw more crazy stuff up!
Nice work. The contrast with blood makes a nice effect.
You should try untooning Spongebob Squarepants sometime, for sheer unadulterated creepy-ness.
The existence of 'Spengbab' is all the more reason to do it. http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/Spengbab
Dude you're amazing! But my request would have to be Link!
Nice. There's also a real Wario and I thought you did it.
Gorgeous! Very inspiring. It really draws your eye and then makes you think.
my fearless warrior
wow! keep up the great work!!! what about a realistic beavis and butthead pic??? =)
Venger untooned
Um, do you plan on maybe posting any time soon?
Sangue no peito rapa...heuaheuhaeuhaue this is SPARTA!!!!HAHAHA!111!!!1!!!!
hey, i really enjoy your work alot. you are a talented person and very successful in my eyes.. once again i really enjoy the work you do. do you or have any or do you plan on making Dragon ball Z characters? if so can you because i really enjoy the show and would love to see how they would look in reality, and you seem to be the perfect person for the job.
thank you
Just love the splash of red..
- T
love it. you are very talented.
Cyber Monday
thtz rlly kool!! how do u do tht??
Omg! the guy is insane! this is the most powerfull work i ve ever seen.
Just keep doing this m8. everything u do is just... perfect. greetings from greece. (A wannabe designer)
Nice work! How about trying Link from the Zelda series.
.Omg! the guy is insane! this is the most powerfull work i ve ever seen.
we missed you!
this piece looks pain to me.. nice art =]
Wow man! great job, i like the cartoonish vibe on it. Keep up the good work! (its a bit like Frank Miller's indeed)
Wow this looks so like this guy!
awesome work!
It has this very tribal feel to it, kind of like it was a "comic-ized" version of "Apocalypto"
Very cool.
what a wonderful illustration.
I like it.
That looks so badass! That is amazing! You are quite talented! Thanks for sharing your abilities with us
Jack O'Sullivan
Bedroom Furniture Sets
Men's Dress Shoes
Contratulations. Your work is very, very, very fantastic!!! Please, if is possible, do more family guy's characters, they're amazing! Thanks, sorry about the English, I'm a brasilian girl.
Looks like the "villain" indian from Last of the Mohicans... getting shot. But in a very stylish way.
Also, I'd just like to add to this guy's post:
"eol said...
From Spain: Great work. First time I looked at the image I though to make a shirt with it. I really like it. If I had your hands...."
I'd boil them and make soup. :)
awesome .. !!
I think this should be titled...
It's nice.
Beautiful. He reminds me of Magua.
Makes me think of Siegfried á la Nibelungen.
It's open to opinion but I'm guessing an entry wound from a small caliper bullet. (if it were his own spear there'd be blood on the spear and the spatter would relate to the yanking motion more to the right) Just past the sternum to the right, in the 3-4 anterior rib area. (if i'm judging depth correctly in the image) Not likely lethal in today's medicine, but who knows if you're carrying a spear right? Which brings about the question, who brings a spear to a gun fight?
When I first looked at it, I thought that he had just ripped the spear from his own chest and was continuing the fight.
Good post..Nice work. The contrast with blood makes a nice effect...It shows the creative mind of him..
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