Super Real Mario World

Saturday, March 15, 2008

[click to enlarge]

If Mario was real, thas one creepy plumber. Created with Photoshop CS2 and a bunch of random faces pasted over a 3d render of Mario from Nintendo. View one of Homer Simpson here.


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Anonymous said...

That's amazing!

Luigi next? :D Maybe more Mario characters?

MikeonTV said...

tell us whos faces you used

Dr Chewbacca said...

I'm scared.

Anonymous said...

I can see this becoming famous soon.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, becoming famous sooner rather than later - it's been Dugg.

WJUK said...

Holy crap. That just screams "pedophile" to me.

Aaron said...


Anonymous said...

It looks like he's about to rape me of something

Anonymous said...

aromonyousd is silly

Anonymous said...

Yeah, do Homer Simpson next!

Maybe you should make a list of characters you think you can do and have us vote.

Whatever you do, this is great work!

Natalie Green said...

Reminds me of Kevin Kline

Anonymous said...

Thats awesome! Definatly make more, i definatley see this becoming famous; keep up the good pictures! You got talent.

Anonymous said...

please draw the body too!

Anonymous said...

Mario's a drunk

Christina DelCoro/Richard McDuff said...

Very cool!

Anonymous said...

now i realized he got a huge nose

Adam said...

I was skeptical when I clicked the link to this off of Digg, but I'm impressed! Aside from the improbably large nose and eyes, it looks incredibly realistic. If only they could find a guy that looks like this for another Super Mario Bros. movie (perhaps a remake of the original?)

pete. said...

that is awesome.

Anonymous said...

Homer, then ..Link?? please?

Mitchel Kennedy said...


dhinkle said...


Anonymous said...

Hi I'm Anon and I pronounce this image to be of relative e-fame already

Anyway, I'm hoping for them to make a mario game that looks like this some day :D

Adding to the list of requests: Mushroom folk, Goombas, Koopas, everything

John said...

thats so cool. great job!

Anonymous said...

This will be seen by millions, and I hope you are approached to direct a CGI movie for Nintendo. Superb!

What else would be cool? Eric Cartman, Peter Griffin, STEWIE(would be creepy cool), HOMER HOMER HOMER...cant wait.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Princess Peach is his girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

i dont think i like mario anymore

Anonymous said...

That is pretty awesome, great job. I'm looking forward to seeing how the next one turns out.

ccerv said...

Please make more of these. Start cranking out models on a regular basis and switch to your own site. This kind of thing would get a ton of traffic, especially if you did a lot of classic video game characters. Keep up the excellent work.

Aaron McNeil said...

Hey pixeloo

Man, that's awesome! Think I could use it to put on a t shirt? Tell me what you want. email shikodo at hotmail dot com.

thanks! Awesome!

Unknown said...

Awesome, do more! Can we see some futurama characters?

Anonymous said...

Really nice. I would have thought that it was textured in 3d software but if it was just PS then the spectular etc is really well done.

Anonymous said...

isn't mario italian? he needs more ear hair.

Creative-Type Dad said...

Wow, that is creepy

Anonymous said...

uncanny valley

Signo said...

sorry, dont like it. Only the skin looks real, eyes, nose and ears are... pictures

My Preciousss said...

you have created a great face dude!

but seriously, this one scares me.
He looks like a cold blooded killer!

Anonymous said...

mario was real.

Anonymous said...

Impressive, I hope you do this with other famous fictional characters

Anonymous said...

amaaaazical! I too thought it was created in 3d. great photoshoppin skills.

Anonymous said...

superb and amazing.. its scary too if opened up in full size !

you are tagged at

Anonymous said...

wow! thats freaking real! never expected a pic like this.. nice work dude

mike from

Anonymous said...

Nice job. very impressive with your skill.

Anonymous said...

Great, keep on good working :D

Anonymous said...

Hey, it's-a me! Ron Jeremy!

Anonymous said...

Maybe this is the reason Nintendo did NOT go for HD console ;P

Dinius said...

I like a lot, good job. The only three things I see you could work more are:

1: Cap texture, the lines only go one direction and is seems unreal.

2: Ear color correction, maybe also an angle correction

3: Also i thik taht maybe the eye ball are not proportional... Apply more shadows in eye area, underpart...

For the rest, is just Perfect, GOOD JOB!!!

Anonymous said...

Amazing work i'd be intrested in a blog post of the steps it took you to create this peice of marval i'm looking forward to seeing another post of the next one on digg so i can come check it out

Anonymous said...

Been done before:

Anyway, it boggles the mind some people are thinking you should even get to direct a SMB movie just based on this one image! Sure, the image is good and funny, and well done, but stating something like that is quite an underestimation of movie making process.. image is an image, but a moving image is a whole another beast:) But anyway, I got carried away. Still nice work!

infinitysend said...

It would have been more impressive if you actually rendered that in 3DS Max or another 3D modeling program. But you just cut and pasted, basically... *yawn*

Anonymous said...

I love all the people that are trying to hate on this. Jealous much

Meeee said...

Awesome dude. Does look alot like Ron Jeremy.


T @

Anonymous said...

that isnt real and it certainly isn't super real. pixar films are more realistic then this to be quite honest.

Nautilus said...

Cool!! Very nice!

Anonymous said...

Definitely do homer simpson next. that would be incredible. i can't even fathom what that would look like.

i have your page favorited just in case you do homer.

C3R38R4iN! said...

se ve un poco viejo, me gustaria ver la imagen de homero simpson y lara croft :D

Anonymous said...

I bet his stash smells like Italian dressing and I think I see bits of parmesan cheese in it.

I'm sure his hat doesn't smell any better... you know the smell that gets stuck in the brow from sweat and washing doesn't get rid of?

Yeah now that completes the picture.

Your welcome.

Known Aim said...

This is retartedly amazing.

Really sharp work... really captures the mario proportions.

Cant wait to see your future work!

Delriach said...

That looks really awesome. Nice work.

Anonymous said...

if mario "were" real

Anonymous said...

I'm going to have nightmares tonight

Anonymous said...

Do you happen to have a Deviantart account? In other words, is this you?
If not, than someone is posting your work(this picture) and claiming it as their own.

Kris McCracken said...

Homer would be a really good one to do!

Excellent work!

Anonymous said...

mario is AGE26;)

Anonymous said...

OMG. When I first saw this I couldn't stop laughing. It is responsible for the most hilarious uncontrollable laugher I have ever had. This is a masterpiece in the making!

Anonymous said...

I saw you registered at Deviantart to post a comment - you should also use the "report" link on that page to get DA to take it down.

Anonymous said...

AMAZING work! I love it, and I loved it so much that I even took the time to register on Deviantart to call that guy on him stealing your post, as a lot of others (I'm assuming from have done.

Anonymous said...

I found this,cool

Magus05 said...

That's fucking awesome. And screw that turd on DA claiming he made it.

Bring on the homer!

ИMLSS said...

Damm, it's so creepy man!!! If you let me, I've posted this image with a link of your blog in mine. If you put more images like that I'll be glad of puting it in my blog to let everybody see it.
C U!!

Monsieur Guido Minisky said...

fantastic job!


Anonymous said...

Gollem impersonating Mario???

CezarM said...

The art has been taken down from the kid´s deviantart, after 10 pages of people insulting the Todd Goldman wannabe thief.

Oh, and great Mario dude, may you get the credit you deserve, although he´s gonna haunt my nightmares.

Anonymous said...

We've prevailed in getting dA's attention. Keep up the excellent work Pixeloo, and thanks for calling out the Todd Goldman clone. He's been spending his last few minutes hiding comments. I have a feeling he's going to lock down his account as much as possible now. Hah.

kirbyfox said...

Awesome job. Can't wait to see more, though they might give us nightmares.

Anonymous said...

Awesome job mate! I love this picture, it's scary as hell! Art thief got rocked x-core so happy endings all around!

Anonymous said...

And THIS is why Nintendo doesn't do realistic graphics in its games.
Excellent work, Pixeloo

Kevin D. Korenthal said...

You should have given him more inner-ear hair.

César said...

Excelente trabajo!

Felicitaciones :)

Esperamos a Homer!

Anonymous said...

Hi im from
I love your work is it possible for you to do some exclusive images for us.

regards tom

Anonymous said...

do peter griffin!

Anonymous said...

Omg Mario is high on mushrooms all this time.. lol

Anonymous said...

Please oh please make a princess peach.

Reed said...

That's not creepy ... it's just Bob Kevoian from the Bob & Tom show. Add a beer and a cigarette and the resemblance would be uncanny.

Anonymous said...

homer simpsosn wuld b gd but do peter griffin nxt........that wuld b so funi

Dave said...

Creepy is an understatement...but great work! Can't wait to see more.

Peter said...

If that thing came to my house, I would have to bust out the compound crossbow...

Great work! this has traumatized me forever O_o

rainbowblack said...

theres a bit of robin williams in there for sure

NENE said...

Great job.

See these too:

Anonymous said...

Thats awesome! You got a lot of talent.
Good job ^^

Anonymous said...

wow that's amazing, please do luigi next please!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

AAAAAAAA!!!! I'm scared. O_O

Anonymous said...

Great work. I really have to apologize though, with my comment being the very first to send XGalagaX a warning about stealing your work (yeah, look for JakeB911).
Anyway, serious props.
-Jake B.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant and terrifying, in equal measures.

Anonymous said...

That's nice... It looks pretty real, except for the size of the eyes.. I've never seen someone with eyes this big. Anyway, congratulations! Great work!

John Riggs said...

Would you mind "showing your work", like a step by step on how you did this? I'd love to be inspired to make real-life likeness of my own.

Mamotte said...

wanna see peach....... and daisy.... mm..... yummy.....

Codie said...

hahaha thats SO awesome! cant wait to see the Homer one! wish you made Peter Griffin too XD

Anonymous said...

good jop!!
ammaiging reality
could i scrap this post??

p.s. i am korean
and It is a pity that my home's language is korean. too

Anonymous said...

Way Cool Man!!! Creepy too... Cant wait to see Homer. How about Beavis and Butthead??? Ha ha ha...

Tryand said...

Haha this is awesome, easily the best mario image I have seen.

Be perfect for a high detail mario remake.

Anonymous said...

He is NOT Mario!
He is NOT Mario!
He is NOT Mario~~~

Anonymous said...

very good!
we are waiting for homer!

Anonymous said...

....a me fa paura....con quello sguardo e quel nasone sembra uno di quei folletti no preferisco la versione originale.....

Anonymous said...

4chan. Saturday while lurking, I'd seen the image in a random thread (it was a 'you laugh, you lose' ) and when I'd saved it, it'd had no markings, no tags. Since, as before, and as people I've known have, taken unmarked shoops from 4chan and claimed them as thei rown, since in fact, alot of the stuff goes without authorship, I figured it'd be alright, and I never expected to get any sort of faves or comments, what I really wanted was to psyche out a few friends and maybe make some sort of impression. If I'd known at all that someone had the credits for the image, which I'd no idea of knowing, I'd have never posted it. So I've stolen things from 4chan, yes, but I'd never steal anything I knew was claimed, I wasn't like that though I'm sure most people will never believe that.
Google search me and you'll find me plastered everywhere where I'm heralded as an art theif and a disgrace, which I knowingly deserve, but I really wish that I could make it known that if I had known that it'd belong to someone indefinately I'd have never posted it. I'd have backed out earlier but when it became so popular I really didn't know what to do. I was overwhelmed. I am greatly apologetic to pixeloo whom I hope he knows that I did not attempt to crop out nr deliberately take his work, and I am sorry for the community impact I've made. I am sorry for those reasons importantly, NOT because I got caught, if you will. I can't even bring myself to show my face around here. If I become active again outside of a close friend range I am fucked, for no one's going to forget this shit for a long time. I can't DARE show my face much because I know that my ass is going to get handed to me, I can take the insults and everything, that's not what bothers me. I just don't want to be a faggot. This thing has all had unheralded preportions. I never wanted fame or anything from the picture. It was a random unmarked image I wanted to show to my friends, and that was all it was. I just wish that I could explain that to the community, the entirety of all those that were witness, pixelooo... I really don't want to be faggot, and if there's such thing as showing my face again I want to do it. But I'm afraid I cannot. I know each and every last one of them is going to look at me crosseyed.
.__. My god I have no idea what to do.
Plain and short, I am incredibly regretful and I only ask your forgiveness.

Anonymous said...

@ adam : "Adam said...
If only they could find a guy that looks like this for another Super Mario Bros. movie"

GIS Willie O'Dea. He's the guy

mikecarloooyeah said...


Philip Thomas said...

sooooo Awesome! I'm definatly interested to see more. Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I think it would be fascinating if you made a post of your process of creating these. Unless that would be revealing secrets of the trade...

Anonymous said...

hilarious..cant wait to see the next one.

Anonymous said...


Seriously, really impressive work :)))

Anonymous said...

lol that was atcually a bit cool picture :P but scary at the same time ^^,

ajsoifer said...

I really enjoyed it! Can´t wait to see the Real Homer Simpson!

Anonymous said...

Hello 'Pixeloo',

I can't find an email address anywhere, so please contact me at rfr_st AT yahoo DOT com , I have a business proposal for you. This is 100% serious, trust me.

Thanks, looking to your email.

Random J said...

*LOL* This is so messed up, but so cool. I cannot WAIT to see the real life Homer Simpson.

Anonymous said...

Well whaddaya know, Mario on the PS3!

Anonymous said...

Amazing! Very real!!!

May you make a Sonic The Hedgehog real face too?

I've never seen a real good "real" Sonic ever...

Anonymous said...

Greetings from Brazil!
Well, I've been playing Super Mario since Super Nintendo and i could see the evolution of it. I belive he will get this look before long.'s so cool! =DD

Anonymous said...

This is scary on many levels. A mish-mash of different pictures that combine to from someone who looks like he has some strange sexual proclivities makes me wonder if the photos used all have the same general 'predator' features.

Ludacris said...

This Mario is really creepy which is a good thing because it looks more real like that. It also makes more sense that an old guy is yelling "It is a me, Mario" because only seniles would repeat their name that many times.

Anonymous said...

It is likely not to have become a big hit so much if Mario was drawn as real man when
saying oppositely.
I'm sorry in strange English.

Dinorider d'Andoandor said...

this old-MArio is cool!

As far as I remember he was 26 in the cartoon

Anonymous said...

hi...can u do princess peach?

xxx said...

Hello from México:
There's no words to describe your imagination: You rule!!! really cool.!: MASTER


Anonymous said...

That is one awesome work. Keep it up. I also like the Homer Simpson pict you made

Coffee and Vanilla said...

Amazing work!! I do work with Photoshop on daily basis... but I'm not that good...


Tom said...

Amazing work!

I can use Photoshop.
but not to this extent.

Anonymous said...

really cool u should try
9and hiatchi from teckenn

Anonymous said...

Man, I LOVE playing around in Photoshop, and though I'm not bad, my skill pales into insignificance compared to yours. Beautiful work. Some very subtle stuff going on there.



Fico said...

now that's what i call digital art!!! congrats pal! show us more of them, hurry up!


Anonymous said...

Dude, you have got to do TARNA from that classic animated film HEAVY METAL/

Anonymous said...

Your work is incredibly good! "Real" Mario is almost kind of cute, despite the whole giant nose, potential pedophile look. I guess he's not too scary that I'd still hang out with him if he kept rescuing me from Bowser and stuff. Thanks so much for sharing and I'd love to see more! An anime character would be fun to see. Like Sailor Moon maybe.

Anonymous said...

very cool

Anonymous said...

Well Done Buddy!

Anonymous said...

I thought the Jessica Rabbit conversion was very interesting, although her eye ends up looking inhuman or injured or something. I guess that is the result of pushing art conceived as 2d into the unexpected realm of 3d.

For amusement, in the past I have played with elementary attempts at editing the female form. Maybe a different approach to a Jessica Rabbit-like character. My examples are in the photo section here;

Anonymous said...

man! your work rocks! awesome! I read (on a mexican newspaper) ur interview, and I can assure u that ur work is now appreciated for thousands of mexicans.

Keep creating more humans characters, please... u r amazing!

Anonymous said...

Amazing photoshop skills! You got something here don't stop working. I used to watch Tom and Jerry when I was a kid. Maybe someday you'll want to do them. Congratulation and hope to see more work soon!

Anonymous said...

Your Photoshop skills are amazing. I love all your works so far. Keep it up! Btw, do you have a deviantART account?

Anonymous said...

wow.. very realistic picture. Was Super mario really existing? Is it possible to use it for free on any website?

Anonymous said...

This is my son's favorite video game character. He'll love it. Keep at it!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

我的天哪!看看这是什么?做的太逼真了呢!我喜欢!以后要继续啊...中国人也来看看呆板能够你们顶一下啊!( This is my email!If you want to talk whih me come on ,I will waiting for you )
Your's china friend!

namekuseijin said...

Really amazing photoshopping! I've seen Homer as well. Priceless...

I think half-demon Inuyasha and his dog-like physical attributes and demeanor offer a lot of opportunities for a creative mind like yours. Inuyasha also has a huge mass of fans who would no doubt be very eager to see a realistic portrayal of the character.

Bharat Mohan [BB] said...

ur blog luks quite interesting cud u pls help me buil one...
my mail id
pls do contact...

Anonymous said...

very cool

Unknown said...

Mario looks like one of the chuckle brothers...
goods stuff,lots of personality.

Rhiana said...

I love this one, looks like both Mario and my old High School Spanish teacher. :)

Anonymous said...

Really great! Now I finally know the model for Mario: It's Rudi Völler!*:IE-SearchBox&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=ie7&rlz=1I7MEDA&um=1&sa=N&tab=wi

Anonymous said...

your work is great!!!!very talented muy bien muchacho.

Anonymous said...

I love this blog, again.

Anonymous said...

This is awesome looking. Anybody else see golem from LOTR? (sorry if i spelled it wrong, I've never actually even seen any of the lord of the rings movies, i just know who golem is)

Honestly if I did this (not like i can so no offense) i would have made him younger looking, then again they never mentioned his age in any of the games so that's just my judgement. But awesome anyways!

Anonymous said...

Scary, yet incredible.

Rodrigo Rocha said...

Yeah! Amazing!!! Congratulations..

I hope to see a Luigi's image here.


Anonymous said...

que buen diseño mario bros se mira muy real

Anonymous said...

dood do yoshi next

Unknown said...

If he erased the vanes, the wrinkles and the five o' clock shadow, than it would look pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

Simply amazing!

Anonymous said...

ben senin ananın amını sikeyim o.c pixeloo

Anonymous said...

Wow!! you are amazingly good at this. Do Meg too please and one of the southpark characters. It's cool.

Anonymous said...

the ear kinda freaks me out :|

jst said...

great work!

Anonymous said...

Mama mia, this is amazing!

You should do Princess Peach! :D

Anonymous said...

Homer Next Oh Yeah And Dont Forget The Dohnut

Anonymous said...

this a awesome. don't know if anyone said this already, but you should try link! really wish i could do this. lol.

whaappa said...

Man you should make a luigi one or another type of nintendo character but what i really want to see is luigi

Anonymous said...

I think you should make a Kirby one! That would be awesome!

Anonymous said...

this will haunt my nightmares for the rest of my life

Anonymous said...

So amaziiing!
Great (very great) job!

(word verification: donut... huhu)

Anonymous said...

it's very nice
I like it
so amaaaazing

madxxx animation 3d flash multimedia graphic design

Anonymous said...

Okay, here's an interesting request... We need a Peach, if you pleaase!! I saw your incredible work on Jessica Rabbit!!!

Anonymous said...

wow.... Mario looks better in video games..... well he also looks older lol :P try to make him look better

Anonymous said...

not even close at all

Anonymous said...

Awesome, do Wario next, pleeeaase..

Anonymous said...

That's creepy to be honest.

Anonymous said...

Thats really cool if a little creepy.
Keep up the good work.

Kevin said...

Oh oh oh do Link from Zelda!

Anonymous said...

That's awesome you should do Ed (The dumb one) from Ed Edd, and Eddy.

Anonymous said...

Lovely idea, so well done.
It looks like Nigel Mansell.

Brilliant and very inspiring.

Anonymous said...

that is awesome

Anonymous said...

cool pics :)

Anonymous said...

Super Mario flash Games. The site is

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Star Fox! Do Star Fox!

Anonymous said...

wow!! i couldn't believe when i saw it!!! it's fantastic, unbelivable... i don't know how he did it, the only thing that i know, is that it's amazing!!! congratulations to these page... the things that you show are so good!!! bye! and thank you to give me a good moment with it!!

Anonymous said...

thats sexy

Anonymous said...

It's Captain Price from COD4!

Anonymous said...

Wow, he looks rough.

vdogam3r said...


Anonymous said...

I love him

Anonymous said...

very interesting

PG said...

Show, i found this model paper

Unknown said...

I took the Mario thing as a challenge...
Here's my rendition...hope you don't mind:

Anonymous said...

I have a challenge for you sir. untoon or humanize Chief Wahoo, the Cleveland Indians emblem. That would look scary/compelling.

Anonymous said...

I want to see Yoshi... I KNOW about the one from the Super Mario Brothers Movie... I want to see one like from the game, but with like snakeskin. Maybe snake eyes.

Anonymous said...

Hey man it looks like you just slapped someones ear on Mario's head at the last minute. Other then that great job. Keep up the good work.

Jay said...


Anonymous said...

It's amazing ! I would like to see another mario's charaters after ... may be another time !

Anonymous said...

Ooh, that's some amazing work, and I would know working in PS since v1 back in the very early nineties, hehe...

But you know, if you want a real challange, do 'Courage the Cowardly dog'. I see you've done some insane work with hair - which I personally think is so frustrating - so making a DOG, ooh, that's hard, hehe...

And you would get 2 friggin huge thumbs up - if the Bazooka Brothers had thumbs... But it's the thought that counts, right! =)

Anonymous said...

If I was Peach, I'd probably pick Bowser... he can't be nearly as freaky. Please do others like this. Mario isn't that old, is he?

P.S. I don't wanna meet him.

Anonymous said...

this is amazing!!!
Youre extremely talented!


Anonymous said...

Yea I second that Kirby would be very cool !

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