look what i found in the basement.
[click to enlarge]
Not really sure what to say about this... I started out wanting to do something way less disturbing than the final result but it was too hard to resist a little bit of horror. Originally it was just lots of fingers. Comments and feedback welcome. Enjoy!
That look just... Super!! :P
This is what you get when Thing from the Adams family masturbates...
scary and Creepy!
This kind of reminds me of Jason felix's stuff... in terms of mood/texture.
Can't wait for more! :D
Funny! That's something like an assassin hand (or 2?).
I'll click sometimes in the google ads as a reward of your work! Very good job!
I love your work, but in this case I think its wrong. It doesn't seem "real" or "plausible". I think the wanderful of this art is that I can dude for a moment if this is plausible. In this case the image, specialy the mouth part, its very very plain. Excuses for my english!
Yes that is disturbing, but way awesome. All with Photoshop? It's an amazing program especially with a good driver! PS - eyeball in the tongue freaks me out even more.
the mouth was fine enough without that eye inside. that just makes it "too much".
but all in all is good.
keep on.
Ah! We enjoyed the untooned homer... This could be a perfect mate! http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/1/1b/The_Homer_by_Carlos_Bisquertt.jpg/800px-The_Homer_by_Carlos_Bisquertt.jpg
This is just a step away from agent orange mutants.
Holy crap, this is way scary
do you know the work by Jake & Dinos Chapman? (two british contemporary artists).
If not, you should definitely check it.
some links:
cheers !
I just don't know about this one, I think the untooning is cooler.
yep, I have to agree too, I like the untooning much more :)
but of course it is a great work
Nice eerie pic. It's just awesome what you can cook up in PS. I would REALLY like some sort of tutorial on your work. Lastly I must point out that I too like the untooning more tho' 'cause of the extra wow-factor you get by knowing the character since before, but whatever keeps your spirit up and nice pics coming out :D
Reminds me of Pan's Labryth
This sort of is an untoon - quite a lot like some of the images in the manga Parasyte.
Oh Dear LORD that thing gives me the jibblies! I hate the mouth eye thing in the wrist! It's making my wrist feel crawly!
This looks awesome.....like something out of Silent Hill
Animate it!
This is really awesome.
Untooning or stuff like that, I don't care, they are just both so awesome :).
Very cool...
Please... think of the kittens!
That is great, it definitely has a Lovecraft feel to it.
I really like ur work, and I still think it would be awesome if you could do one of Stewie "untooned."
what program do you use to make these renders?
Somebody's been staying up too late watching the Evil Dead movies.
Your works are really good!
I love the untoons. Also this one is a masterpiece of photo editing. It reminds me to the works of a german artist, named "Heile Mania". Watch his works at http://www.fotocommunity.de/pc/pc/mypics/416206
It reminds me of Makonde sculpture from Tanzania. If you've seen their abstract representations of demons, you know that they've been "untooning" in 3D since long before PhotoShop was created. Since before the computer was created, for that matter.
I own a sculpture that's somewhere in the freak zone between this "Hand-Eye" image and this elephant.
Well done! Even the name is clever...
Wow. I wanna use that as my Christmas card this year.
Fine work and looks frightfully like my Aunt, you haven't met her have you! She passed away sometime ago sadly. I say sadly because one has to say those kind of things, but in all honesty it was a relief to us all. For the last three years of her life he was convinced she was Bruce Willis, which sounds like fun but after a while the jumping around trying to defuse bombs became somewhat tiresome. Keep up the good work.
We spent a lot of time sitting and staring, and all agree that it's yet another wonderful pixeloo work.
Is there any chance we can use this image or borrow a copy of native psd? We would love to take a stab at a 3d model replicate into the animation
world. Our outside email address is YUPchannel@gmail.com
You are remarkably and quite notably CREATIVE! Engaging work.
Ooooh, that's creepy!
It kinda gives a whole new perspective on the "don't bite the hand that feeds you" proverb. In this case, I'd be darn careful when feeding that thing.
Definitely nightmare material.
Do you take requests?
That's not creepy at all... :-) You're amazing, dude. If I had half the artistic talent as you, my blog would be way better. Speaking of which, I just started one; my first blog, but not my first time doing something like this. You probably get a lot of requests like this, but could you read it? It's called (Insert Title Here). Thanks in advance.
i've got one of those in my basement as well...
wow dude that is some pic. make him a little buddy!!!
Wow very creative, love your work...
lol, i have to say it is definitely creepy, but well executed, you are vey talented:)
Really good job, I'm a bit of a photoshop fan, but that is way above my skill. Greate work
hi so coolie!!
check my blogs guys thanksie!! lab yah
Look what i found in the basement" reminds me of my favorite book series as a kid: the goosebumps!
Though, this is definately MUCH scarier. it gives me the chills.
That is severely messed up... In a good way, of course.
It's like something out of silent hill! sick but cool!
- Poetry Book
wow! untooning is so cool! who else is untooned? Got more links?
- Poetry Book
Very good work. Man I am your fan now!
I like your work. Keep it up.
Amazing the number of remarks on this work - love it!
Truly disturbing.
parcero las imagenes le quedaron muy bacanas, usted es un artista.
partner images you were very Bacán, you are an artist, luck and success.
Really cool! Love your work! =)
Ewwww rank rank rank
thats really disgusting and i know it isn't real but watever its still ewww...
Have you seen the teeth on it like Yuck.
If you were to extend tentacles, just slightly, from the final knuckle of each finger, it would give an even more Lovecraftian feel. It would mean removing the fingernails but I think it would add a slight twist to the abstract of humanity.
Love Lynzi
Most excellent! This image really reminded me of The Corinthian character from Neil Gaiman's Sandman comics. Instead of eyes, he has two mouth with sharp teeth. Personally, I think that would be an awesome addition if you did one.
It's not a bad thing that it's disturbing. Some of the best art is horrifying.
muy buenas imagenes
saludos desde Chiapas mexico
un abrazo!
good luck!!!
I like it very much. It has impress me!
man, you're seriously awesome i've seen your video of jessica rabbit and it rocks...
btw, this image looks so great that it almost looks as if it was the cover of a movie or something like that...
just WOW!
Looks kind of like Lefty from Parasyte to me.
omg fantastic and scarry!!!! ever thought of making these into bedtime toys for kids!!!!! just brilliant
If you offered this as a poster, I'd probably buy it. Has been my desktop wallpaper for at least a month now.
Great Job! Feels damn scary to me
wow - that's really amazing.
i love disturbing pics like these -
great job!
WOW! it´s like the hand from IMPRINT of MASTERS OF HORROR
Wohohohohoooo... THIS IS A INVENTION OF A EVIL GENIUS!!!O_O Anyway, it should've been a lot of work so *respect, master*
fap fap fap fap fap!
Wow, you're really good at PhotoShop! Is it CS3? I've got it myself, but I can honestly say I'm not even close.. And I really thought I was good.. This just proves how much one can do using it! How about making other Family Guy caracters untooned? Or someone from South Park, that'd be great!
Wow that is scary to me but not to my friend sitting next to me he has seen worse.
as creepy as this is, it in no way scares me.
Very unique. Doesn't remind ME of anything. It DOES look like something that might be growing in the Monsanto corporations basement, though...
That's great! The lighting's really consistent. Did you plan it out carefully before photographing all the bits or did you see how it fitted together after you'd taken all the images?
I agree with Anonymous that it reminds me of Migi from Parasyte, the manga by Hitoshi Iwaaki. Parasyte is about a boy dealing with the alien parasite that's taken over his right arm. Migi, the parasite, is like putty and tends to grow eyes and a mouth and tendrils from wherever is convenient, not wherever is pretty.
The two of you artists would get along great.
Kind of looks like something that would be on a Mars Volta poster or album. Looks awesome btw.
great! valuable information, I've shared with my two children and liked, thanks for sharing information
I feel sorry for the little mouth on the bottom for some reason... is that weird?
what happens when you smash 2 hands, several eyes, an ear, and two mouths? THIS!
...Are you cyriak?
very cool. super creepy. you should do more of the griffin family or futurama or american dad characters
Is that what you get when Cthulhu mates with a human?
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