Stewie Griffin
[click to enlarge]

Gotta run this morning, but I'll post this and talk a bit more about the process later this weekend. One thing I'll say its definitely harder to get that "realistic" look with smooth skin. This seems pretty illustrated compared to Homer and Mario. Anyway, cheers, enjoy!
* UPDATE * I got a date on the Official Playstation Magazine UK magazine of Nico Bellic. It'll be on shelves June 16th, check it out if you're in the UK or somewhere that has it!
* UPDATE * I got a date on the Official Playstation Magazine UK magazine of Nico Bellic. It'll be on shelves June 16th, check it out if you're in the UK or somewhere that has it!
Nice job :)
I loved this one o_O
His eyes, his mouth, his hair... and his hands. It's all perfect!!
Reminds me (a little bit) the Chucky doll from Child's Play ;)
The facial features sort of look like they're pointed the wrong way. It's almost cubist. I can't tell if that's the way the character is actually drawn and it's just not as apparent in cartoon form, or if it's something that happened in the untooning.
I think I need to see the original. Maybe set it as a mouseover, so we can flip back and forth.
lol tight
very lovely!
You are extremely talented ... I love this! Well worth the three+ weeks of hitting refresh to see if you posted yet! Haha ...
I vote you do Murderface from Metalacolypse next!
That is pretty slick.
It looks very lifelike, its great.
great work!!!
Unapologetic - This is probably similar to the original.
I personally think it's awesome! I absolutely love them all!
i love it i have bee waiting to see it forever bookmarked your page and kept looking everyday!!!
id like to see meg untoon cuz everyone calls her ugly and id like to see her if she was real ya know...good work
Very nice job. I'll never watch Family Guy the same...
awesome, now we need Peter to keep him company
That looks really great! You should do Hank Hill, the facial features and lines are pretty much done already.
Great job dude! You fuckin' rock!
Always looking forward to your next 'Pixeloo' ...thats what i am calling your untooning now.
lol that is too cool nice job
Great, now post a poll!
Fantastically disturbing, good show.
As Unapologetic and skizzo pointed out, the perspective looks off because the original drawing isn't balanced well. If that becomes an issue in the future, maybe consider adjusting a few elements to your own taste, rather than sticking so stringently to the base artwork?
As a suggestion for other toons, I think Dale Gribble from King of the Hill might be interesting to look at. Or have you considered any non-human characters? Timon and Pumbaa from Lion King might be neat as well.
Keep on keeping on.
Once again....amazing. Your work is awesome. I agree with the one guy above me. You should try Hank Hill next. That would be one heck of an untooning right there. Good luck on all your amazing work to come.
great job!!!
i love this cartoon.
look butt-head real
i was desperatelly waiting for it!!!
and it's amazing.
we have to clap our hands!!!
Impressive! I can't wait to see more. It's addictive, I can't wait to find out who will we see next? Fred Flintstone? Popeye? Elmer Fudd? a non-human maybe? Bugs or Daffy? Mickey or Goofy?
Will you be posting a copy of Niko on here from the Playstation magazine?
Great job on Stewie!
Looks great, keep up the good work.
Great job ! You should make some classics like Captain Caveman or the Flintstones !!!
Nice this is epic, well worth the wait... And I agree with one of the posters... You should seriously do Meg Griffin, i never thought she was all that ugly, but lets see your take on her...
5 starts out of 5 *****
This is terrific!
I'd love to see some classic 'toons, like Betty Boop or Mr. Magoo done this way. Or, more contemporary ones, like Beavis and Butt-head!
love it man. now we just need the rest of the family and quagmire, gotta have quagmire
Pretty cool, and well done. But it does kind of bother me that these pieces that you do are called "Untooned" when it isn't really "untooned" at all. They are just given more dimension and then a few realistic details, but they still look very cartoonish. I think it would be cooler if you actually tried to make what the person would really look like if they were a real person. That would be much more interesting to me.
But I'm not knocking your work at all, it's still very cool and you do a good job. Kudos.
Another good one! It was worth the wait. Stewie already looked a little creepy before, now it's more obvious... ;-)
There's already a few good suggestions in the previous comments, but here's another one; Dilbert.
Keep up the good work!
dude your work is so awesome. you´re a very talented person. congratulations. you should untoon Catz "all your base are belong to us" !!!! that would be epic xD
Wow great work, the head is realistic while the body is a bit cartoonish and off balanced from the face. Still nice job.
i agree with the anonymous guy above about the "untooning not being untooned"..... i think your best work so far is Homer and Mario..since they really have that "reallistic" look... on the other hand..stewie still is too cartoonish... it's probably the skin rendering.....gotta look for better skin samples.
good work though...
Definatly a more difficult subject than your previous ones, but I think this is a definate success! As you said, it's more illustative than previous, almost cubist with the odd angles here and there. Very stylized, but really great!
Can't wait to see more!
Also, I never noticed how creepy Stewie is....
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As Don Patto pointed out he looks more cartoonish compared to Homer.
The reason I see is Stewie is a Toddler. He wouldn't have the same skin texture as aging would provide as with Homer. The softer the skin texture the less detail you will see. This gives him a baby smooth skin appearance.
That might almost look real if you actually considered that no human being has a head that shape
So basically, you took a family guy character and just added detail to his clothes. neato.
no. not really. sorry. lame.
Damn it frustrates me to see people knocking your work. Your work is great and I make sure I visit your website every other day just to see what else you will be bringing your loyal viewers. I don't have any suggestions for your next work, just keep up the great work :D
Really great work with all the characters so far. I think it would be great to see an untooned smurf! Any of them! Keep them coming man!
That looks so great :D
awful)))))) but i like this horror))
Look how to draw )
hey do more like jessica with a cartoon picture next to the untooned picture please.
Pixeloo jumped the shark.
Hmm...there's something funny about this one. The eyes rock though!
love your stuff :)
Nice work, as always.
this is amazing!!!
if you want, can you make Broly plz????????????????????????????
Excellent work )
Haha, that's awesome!
But would you consider doing the Luncheon of the Boating party by Renoir? :)
Great work!
I love the stuff you've been doing.
That's awesome!
This is unbelievably creepy. I look forward to seeing non-untooned images, per Hand-Eye Coordination, which is also somewhat creepy.
What the deuce!? Excellent work! Now let's see a quagmire giggety animation :D
Your work is great! I know you're overloaded with suggestions, but - Popeye
Love it! Stellar work as usual.
EEeiiaa.... I think this one is not as good as Jessica Rabbit or Homer.. The other ones are amazingly well done, I think Stewie is only well done... but eventhought, your uncartoon abilities and your work is INCREDIBLE!! (in spain: BRUTAL!)
Keep doing your stuff!!
(we wan more! :)
Un saludo!
You should make peach from super mario bros
haha awesome as usual!!
Keep it up.
first thing that came to mind was Child's Play Chucky :) Cool though.
you guys Rock
you should try to get American Dad's STAN.. he has an enormous chin! lol
keep it up
i think it is very realistic but the first base drawing you had was better. too bad the other artist took it before you were done:(
freaky... but cool THE HEDGEHOG!
i agree do sonic
PIKACHU has to be next.
im speechless!!
I have seen Stewie before at but this is definitely better. Here is an idea for your next untoon: Any Thundercats character. ;) I find it very challenging and would probably be amazing. ;)
Keep up the good work! I'm always looking forward for your next one.
pops off the screen...nice
looks creepy like smeagle
Awesome work!! Just Fantastic!! Maybe you can do Leela or Doctor Zoidberg from Futurama next? Would love to see either of them! You have some serious talent.
omg it looks like chucky has a brother!
Its really nice
You could perhaps work with stewies eyes, on this picture it almost looks like hes retarded. I also found his mouth kind of wierd, but exept from that great work, its impressive.
i think you should make a real life cartman or mr. hanky
a very good model i should say
how about riggin it and then animating it
i am an animator and so i always like things moving aroung
web design mumbai
This is way better than the one in the link you posted. Top notch work. I have never seen something so amazing.
Your work is always great and awesome. I really like it.
Also this one is a masterpiece of untooning. Though .. IMO you missed the point a little bit. The original looks more evil .. somehow. ;)
As mentioned earlier alrerady, the mouth is kinda weird/wrong. It isnt centered to the nose.
However. Doesnt matter that much. Thanks for the great picture and congrats for the Playstation Magazine date!
I'm seriusly AMAZED with your work, really, my respects!!!
Quite a gift you have in there...
What tools do you use to make these things, they're so accurate so real... wow, im wordless...
And the Jessica, geez, deluxe...
Congratulations =)
How about doing an untooned Princess Fiona from Shrek? The pretty non ogre version of her.
funny and scary...
Ahhh this is amazing. :] You truly have a gift, congrats on the magazine!
I suggest you should do Princess Peach from Mario, I would have like...have an orgasm XD
I love all the pictures you've made so far! I'm looking forward to some new work, I hope your blog will be updated soon.. I can't wait!
so evil, so wonderful!
and yes, princess peach. onegaishimasu!
I want to see Niko Bellic pics Untooned :D do that one or Playboy X or Brucie all of em from GTA IV
Cool pic! I love it!
So... From 10pm to 8am I did another one. It's larger than you can see, but I play with fotolog possibilities..
I hope you like it. :)
(yeah, the shadow is from the original cartoon)
make one of Goku-san!
This is sweet. Sonic or Pikachu shuld be next
love it
Omg! Kratos untooned!
dude, i'm collection for a category called "alternative world" in my stumble upon and definetly your work is in my top5! great work!
You should do Leela from Futurama. That would be truly creepy.e
King of the Hill, King of the Hill!!!! please, please!!
Niko Bellic! I have the magazine right here! It looks FANTASTIC! xxx
To quote Stephen Lynch: "Damn, that's an ugly baby!"
But well done. It turned out a lot better than I thought it would.
very nice!
hahaha great...
Perfect. I enjoy seeing characters with a realistic look such or a dramatic look such as the way the characters look on Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
can u make 'jak' from jak and daxter please......
Are you familiar with the works of Mark Ryden? This looks strangely like some of his work... which is really funny as he works the other way round, making "real" celebrities look more cartoonish...
6 out of 11 -- - weirdo !
"Stewie! Your head is so soft! How ya doin' that? How ya- How ya doin' that? Oh everything is fantastic!"
Couldn't resist, thought of that FG quote one day and had to post it here.
Great job!
hah freakky reminds me of chuckie a bit!
haha but lovely
Maybe you should do a character from a Japanese cartoon (anime) next, such as Sailor Moon. How's that?
Amazing work! Can you do Professor Farnsworth or Leela?
Ignore the fools who keep knocking your work and then say that they aren't critiquing, just admiring. It sounds more like jealousy.
Cool, you rock at this!!!
This is awesome, stewie looks more evil this way...Just awesome!
This is too cool.
He's so evilly cute.
I'd love to see you do Southpark characters!
I got that mag (OPM) and after seeing the others, I must say that you are extremely talented.
Look page jejejeje
Hey how about a Betty Boop untooned?
I am in the middle of getting this tattooed on my upper leg. just need to finish the background. i'll send a picture/direct to website for views when done.
i did this ages ago...not as good as you...but i did it...sorry...
Dude, 3 words: You are AWESOME!!!
Keep it up!
man, sick and creepy art here. love it.
that's the second creepiest thing i've ever seen. the first is the homer.
You're probably aware of this, but the shits over at Ebaums World are running your images uncredited.
lol tight
nice! i like the idea
impresionante!! o_O
Hi :D
I found your blog just yesterday and holy crap awesomeness! I love how it still looks so much like Stewie even when he's got human features..
Can't wait to see more!!
nice work! i'll send you an email maybe you'll have time do a theme for my new stewie family guy video blog :)
Incredible job. Keep up the good work.
:< if my child came out like that I'd stab it with a spork. no lie.
Just a tiny critique: Maybe make the skin a bit blotchy. Babies have red noses and they always seem to acquire mysterious food crusties around their mouths. Well, at least my baby does. Anyhow, maybe adding some imperfections might help it untoon a little more. Amazing work, none the less!
Holy shizz, thats awesome. The Jessy Rabbit picture is my favorite.
Hard work kudos for you, my man.
Please, for the love of all that is holy, say that you'll do Harley Quinn. Due to the colouring and such, it would be hard, but I think you could do it. ;)
Wow! Stewie has got an evil face!!!!
it's great! I love stewie!
LOVE your are incredible!
Can you UNTOON - he-man??
I would love to see some UNTOONED 80's cartoon characters.
Also some random:
Rainbow Bright
The Flintstones
Barbie & Ken
Wow! I absoloutely love Stewie - and this pic! I'm still wondering how you do that every time ^_~. Nice Job!
its to bad the mouth/nose dont align properly...otherwise is a solid job
He still looks adorable!
you should do a version of carl from aqua teen, or maybe brendon melissa and jason from home movies. OR DEL FROM 3 SOUTH!!
oh noe! his hair is pushed in th` wrong direction! it goes back not front!
"Mommy! guess what I did to the world today?"
your work is great! i would like taht you untoon flapjack!
perfeito parabens!!!!!!!!!!!
Love your stuff. If you do enough of them, they would make a beautiful book one day.
Can I suggest Elmer Fudd, Papa Smurf, Cartman, and Peter Griifin (that chin would be fun!).
Great work, lovin' it.
This reminds of some Mark Ryden art.
This is a good one. Almost looks like this one could be easily animated.
He looks like Arnold from that nickelodean show and like Chuckie combined
cool !!
May i use this picture for a shirt??
Family Guy Hero, Nice I like it.
Thanks for share.
HEY you´r piks R amaizing!!! i just have a question... wich programs did u use???
Very talented! I'm not even a Stewie fan and I like it. Could you, by special request, make Elmer Fudd and Porky Pig?
Keep up the good work and don't let the trolls interfere with your day.
This is amazing! Did you do this? If so, how did you do this, what program did you use, and how long did it take? was it difficult? And could you think about doing Brian like this!? Maybe do Brian and Stewie together like this!
Hey, I hope you know that the @StewieGriffyJr on Twitter is using your untooned Stewie as an avatar...
Great site by the way!
Family Guy is so popular show. This is my favokrite show and Its each episode is so funny and interesting too.
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