Liquify my love

Friday, April 25, 2008

Just a real quick note, a lot of people have been asking what tool in Photoshop I used to smudge parts around without losing clarity and blurring the whole image. Answer to that is Liquify with a brush density of about 25. If you work a little higher resolution than your final image no detail is lost. Cheers!


Anonymous said...

I saw that, surely thatw why you must hunt for google images. It's a pain. Keep up the rad work!

Anonymous said...

Well bugger me, I've never known about that tool and I've been using photoshop for years.

Anonymous said...

do laura craft next.

Anonymous said...

tnx dude u'r awesome!
Now we all want some Final Fantasy carachter !!!

ปันเจ said...

the secret is revealed. lol. keep working

SEO Consultant said...

you have something unique when it comes to creativity and i love your skills.

Anonymous said...

Your work is great!! I think that you could make little posts explaining in very sort way how to do some of the effects you use.

This is a good example: liquify, it will be great if you could post a couple of images: before and after.
Of course, I think that your intention is not to make a complete tutorial in your blog, but maybe with little tips like this you will get (even more) more traffic here..

Greetings and congratulations

Kalyn said...

Do you have any pointers for people who use PS Elements? Or any good referance guides? Thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

Have you thought of creating tutorials?

I know I would certainly pay to get a DVD with that first hour of work played and narrated in real time.

Your techniques are unbelievable!

Anonymous said...


Tystarr said...

Lol, you should try to make a realistic Ms. Piggy. I know shes not a toon but it would still be pretty cool.

JTalpesh said...

I also do a lot of work in photoshop and your pictures are great! I love the concept! Keep up the awesome work!
-jane of all trades

andrewQuintiliani said...

This will come in handy for doing texture maps. Really impressive stuff!

Anonymous said...

Hello Pixeloo!
I really love your work, and I know you're probably too busy to do requests, but could you possibly do Rembrant's "Le déjeuner des canotiers"? It's my favourite painting and I'd love to see it done photorealistically. It's a lot of work, but it'd be worth it. :)

Hooked-on said...

Wow some of those pics are awsome! good luck with creating more, ill be looking out for more in this blog!

said nasser said...

happiness today to my friend.

Trust, faith, love and smile

Lead you to happiness.

Anonymous said...

You've demonstrated some truly unreal talent, but I'd hate to see you get pigeonholed into "untooning". What else can you do?

Can you please tell us a bit about yourself? I would be very surprised to hear if this kind of work is not your fulltime job.

Anonymous said...

I've done some photoshop but mostly basic stuff before so I was interested in giving this a shot, sadly my photoshop (a dinosaur by now, photoshop 6.0) doesn't seem to offer any way to show the layers beneath the one you are liquifying

Anonymous said...


Shmuel said...

smart choise

Brett said...

Just added you to my Highly recomended sites. Hope thats ok.

Anonymous said...

Make the characters of South Park looks real, just like you do with the others you have done soo far.

*Sorry if my english is not THAT good, I'm from Brazil and my class just started.

Splurgy said...

Ooh, yes, please do Renoir's Luncheon of the Boating Party! Here's a link to it.

Anonymous said...

This is so unique. I love it!

Anonymous said...

Beavis real !!


Anonymous said...

Very cool blog - I enjoy your work!

Veemack said...

From the number of comments that you have received, I'm guessing you won't be able to respond to too many of them but if you do, I wonder if you could recommend a less expensive software than Adobe Photoshop? I'm used to watercolor and ink prices!

Anonymous said...

My Attempt at a Real Life Stewie from Family Guy

You inspired me!

sjmach said...

Is photoshop cs3 extended better than photoshop cs3?

Anonymous said...

Cool stuff here!

Hephaestos said...

vanrensalier: give gimp a try (

It's free, and I'm guessing if you're not familiar with Photoshop already you'll probably have an easier time learning it than the rest of us.

Veemack said...

hephaestos: Thanks for the tip! said...

Nice bolg. Congrats...